About Us

About Data Select Systems
Established in 1982, Data Select Systems Inc. offers automated full service systems that provide flexible and accurate lending for construction, real estate, and community investment projects.
Customer-Centric – For the past four decades, everything we’ve built has been with you in mind. Throughout the development of CLCS and XT, we worked directly with our customers to define how we can better serve your lending needs so you can focus on your business. You’ll feel the difference with Data Select Systems from first requesting information, through automating your loan portfolio. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and the quality of our fully automated systems, CLCS and XT.
Community-minded – As a fundraising partner for Shelter Partnership for over a decade, we are proud to be making an impact on reducing homelessness in Los Angeles. Century Housing, the leader in providing low-interest-rate financing for affordable housing with social services for veterans and their families, is a long-time user of CLCS to service their construction to permanent loans. Further, the Data Select team collects toys every year for the Union Rescue Mission. Union Rescue Mission (URM) is a private Christian homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles’s Skid Row helping men, women, and children escape the streets of Skid Row through food, shelter, education, counseling, and long-term recovery programs. They offer emergency and long-term services to forever transform lives.
Over 400 billion dollars is serviced on our software. We serve some of the largest banks in the world as well as non-profits and state agencies. We offer a robust solution that simplifies what is often a very manual and time-consuming process.
If you’re ready for greater accuracy, flexibility, and automation, reach out to get started.

Who We Serve
Financial Institutions
CLCS currently services 40 of the largest 100 banks in the US, as well as several international banks.
State Agencies
State and City Agencies use CLCS to service their portfolios, including Agricultural Loans, Urban Renewal and Development Loans, and many more.
Nonprofits use CLCS to service their unique loan portfolios, including low-income housing, solar power projects, water treatment projects, and other community investment programs.
CDFIs (Community Development Financial Institutions)
CDFIs use CLCS to service their loan programs, including GSAF and LACHIF Funds. These programs assist with multi-family affordable homes, acquisition loans, bridge loans, construction loans, and permanent loans.